genetically modified florals  karen lorena parker  1000 parker street building studio 215

genetically modified florals
karen lorena parker
1000 parker street building studio 215

Parker’s inspirations start with the random, natural and as she listens and pays attention, she tries not to ruin it. She gently controls with her aethetics, but tries to make sure to be light handed.

Fascinated by science, the natural patterns that mathematicians solved to create software to recreate beauty. Fibonacci patterns, golden ratios, Parker brings the random element of nature to her aesthetic balance.

Nature’s Beauty solves life’s many problems — and Not just the calming mindset and fresh air. The pattern from flowers, leaves that inspire mathematical equations. The insects & birds that inspired flight. I see worlds of cosmos and spirituality in flowers.

I can only humbly express nature’s world.


Hamilton Standard
acrylic on paper
“Hamilton Standard led a team that developed a variable-pitch propeller, using hydraulic pressure and centrifugal force to change the angle of attack of the blades. “

The diaphanous quality of ink, lends well to Parker’s joy of fabric, movement and subsurface scattering. Her work is illuminated from within. Her drawings adding more macroscopic detail to give her large blooms massive scale.

The Glass Ceiling features a womb like femininity exaggerated by tiny footprints. But Parker’s vision was looking up above. The humanitarian view that one day we will see our daughters above the glass ceiling.

The fascination of eugenics, and how poverty was seen as a gene to be eradicated in the 1920s. Parker comments on how she as the artist forms her own control over the medium. How human nature consistently controls, and needs more work at listening.

peony genetically modified

peony genetically modified

insitu sincerely lindsay design co

insitu sincerely lindsay design co


sincerely lindsay design co | karen lorena parker

sincerely lindsay design co | karen lorena parker

vintage flower 20x20”

vintage flower 20x20”

Visit this talented artist at 1000 Parker Street Studios, Vancouver. Open for the Culture crawl and various events by appointment.

“A dialogue can happen anywhere. The conversations
between the artist and the medium is on of my favorites.”