Lions Game: Children play above lions gate bridge vancouver

Lions Game: Children play above lions gate bridge vancouver

Seascapes and Shorelines

The beauty of the coast and disappearing horizon, stormy clouds and the coziness the sea.



Commissioned by Vancouver developer this was a pleasant challenge of creating a believable scene that referenced the rocks of the Pacific coast. The beauty of color and light in the waves, and foam.
Ucluelet | 60 x 80" | Karen Lorena Parker


Silver Sky

Calm neutrals in a stormy hovering cloud that brings scale to our stunning shorlines.
Silver Sky | 40 x 60" | Karen Lorena Parker


Jericho Boats

Beautiful rhythm of sailboats in a creamy bronze texture of cloud and beach sand. Welcome to Canada.
Jericho Boats 24"x36" @Karen Lorena Parker

Storm Trees

The powerful drama of mother nature, and the persistence and struggle that shapes us. By Commission

patricia grey interior featuring storm tree by karen lorena parker

patricia grey interior featuring storm tree by karen lorena parker


Big skies, and warm field.

growing up with big skies on the prairies | karenlorenaparker

growing up with big skies on the prairies | karenlorenaparker

The golden prairies “copper sky” Karen lorena parker

The golden prairies “copper sky” Karen lorena parker